Enhancing English Language Students’ Speaking Skill Through Overcoming Anxiety. The Case of First Year Students in the Department of English at Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-ouzou.

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septembe 2016

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Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou


The present study investigates the issue of foreign language speaking anxiety in the department of English at Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi Ouzoou. It aims to realize two main objectives. First, it aims to explain the causes that lead to students’ foreign language speech anxiety and hinder their speaking performance. Second, it aims to investigate the effective strategies that teachers and learners can use in order to decrease anxiety and enhance students’ foreign language speaking performance. To achieve this purpose we rely on Horwitz et al theory (1986). Besides, this study relies on two main data gathering tools: a questionnaire and an interview. The former is administered to seventyseven first year students of English at MMUTO. The latter is conducted with six teachers of oral expression from the department of English at MMUTO. The findings of the study illustrate that most foreign language students tend to be anxious in speaking situations more than the other situations like listening, reading and writing. There are different factors that lead to students’ foreign language speaking anxiety which hurdle their learning and their speaking performance.





Sémiotique Sociale et Linguistique Appliquée