Difficulties and Strategies of Subtitling Historical Documentary Case Study :" الجزائر تاريخ في الدرامية السنوات” Directed by Ayman Mrouweh

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Université Mouloud Mammeri


The present research tackles the difficulties and strategies of subtitling Historical Documentary from Arabic to English revealed in"السنوات الدامية في تاريخ الجزائر" directed by AymanMrouweh in 1991. Through the use of functional theory suggested by Nord ( 2009), the translation strategies of Molina &Albir (2002), besides, subtitling strategies proposed by HenrikGottlieb (1992) in addition to the constraints of subtitling proposed by Lucien Marleau(1982) and the help of Aegisub software, we have attempted to emphasize on theclarity and effective communication of meaning and preserves historical accuracy of facts end events. In the process of subtitling when using the former program, we deduce that the translator confronts several constraints that seek modifications required for instance managing character limits and timing. In light of our analysis, we have observed that some expressions and terms whensubtitling historical documentaries have to be kept to broaden their accessibility, reacha wider audience, help bridge language gaps, and foster a more global appreciation ofhistorical narratives. We deduce also that we must keep subtitles concise to avoidovercrowding the screen and maintain viewer engagement. This research will allowviewers from different linguistic backgrounds to appreciate the historical informationpresented in the documentary. We recommend the contribution with historians,scholars, and institutions that specialize in the relevant historical field.


132p.; 30 cm. (+CD-Rom)


Audiovisual translation, Audiovisual Translation, Historical Documentary, Functional approach, Strategies, Subtitling


Applied Translation Arabic/English/Arabic