Translating terms related to forensic psychology from English into Arabic “THE HANDBOOK OF FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGY” by IRVING B WEINER and RANDY K. OTTO as a case study

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Université Mouloud Mammeri


The purpose of our work is to show and analyze the suitable translating procedures to translate forensic psychology terminology from English into Arabic, and how difficult it is, to translate them, which leads the translator to face many obstacles, due to the lack of culture or knowledge necessary to use them to avoid making mistakes. We tried among this study to choose carefully our corpus intitled “The handbook of forensic psychology, fourth edition”, which had to be full of forensic psychology terms, to illuminate these terms with suitable methodology, and the use of the translation methods of VINAY and DARBELNET, as well as analyzing and comparing them to the Arabic language. Through our study of this subject, it became clear that we can use many strategies in order to figure out psychology and legal system terminology, and therefore the adoption of effective translation strategies will facilitate the translation process.


107p.; 30 cm. (+CD-Rom)


Forensic psychology, Specialized translation, Scientific translation, Comparative stylistic approach


Applied Translation Arabic/English/Arabic