The Techniques used by EFL Teachers to motivate their Learners in the Algerian Secondary Schools The case of the secondary schools of Draa-El-Mizan and Tizi Gheniff

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Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou


The present study aims to figure out the techniques used by teachers to motivate their learners, how teachers view motivation and the barriers that undermine it in classroom, teachers’ techniques to motivate their learners in OUARZDINE Achour and Polyvalent in TIZI-GHENIFF as well as HAMDANI Said, TECHNICUM and MOUSSAOUI in DRAA-EL-MIZAN secondary schools. Our research relies on the Self-Determination Theory of Deci and Ryan (1980). To collect data, we administered a questionnaire to twenty two (22) teachers. In addition to thirty (30) classroom observations attended with ten (10) teachers and an interview conducted with them. For the analysis of data, a mixed-research method is used. The study, in fact, combines quantitative and qualitative methods. We used a Descriptive Statistical Analysis relying on the SPSS computer program to analyze the results obtained from the questionnaire and classroom observation. As regards the interpretation of the teachers’ interview, we followed the Qualitative Content Analysis method. The main results of the questionnaire indicate that (46%) of teachers see motivation as important and other (46%) consider it as very important. Moreover, the classroom observation’s results showed that teachers’ motivational techniques are giving opportunities for the open exchange of opinions, providing effectance relevant feedback and establishing good relations with learners. Finally, the interview revealed that integrating motivation in the teaching process faces some difficulties such as teachers’ lack of motivation, the large size of classes and lack of means




Academic motivation, motivational techniques, self-determination theory


Language and Communication