Traditions, polygamy and Education in Buchi Emecheta’s The Joys of Motherhood (1979)
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University Mouloud Mammeri of Tizi-Ouzou
This research paper studies the issues of Traditions, Polygamy and Education in Buchi
Emecheta’s The Joys of Motherhood (1979). To achieve our goal, we have relied on Alice
Walker’s theory of Womanism. Our work is made up of three chapters. In the first chapter, we
have studied the issue of the conservative nature of the Igbo traditional culture that discriminate
women and oppresses them. We have then shown the conditions of women and how the author
liberates them from all kind of imprisonment. In the second chapter, we have analyzed the issue
of polygamy or multiple marriages and men’s authority over women. Inthe third chapter, we
have exposed the educational system of the Nigerian society that condemns women and how the
author defy gender inequality and oppression.After the provided analysis of The Joys
ofMotherhood, we have attained a conclusion that it represents all the elements that oppress
women. Theauthor struggles for the emancipation to give them a self- fulfillment and
rehabilitate their position.
Traditions, Polygamy, Education, Womanism, Motherhood, Oppression, Patriarchy, GenderInequality,Women, Struggle, Condemns, Imprisonment, discriminate, liberate, Nigeria, Self- Fulfillment
Média et l’étude des cultures des pays Anglophones.