William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet (1597) Revisited Through Tony Abbott’s Crushing on a Capulet (2003) and James Hartley’s Cold Fire (2018): An Intertextual Dialogic Study

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University of Mouloud Mammeri


This research paper employs an intertext drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin’s notions within two modern novels, Tony Abbott’s Crushing on a Capulet (2003) and James Hartley’s Cold Fire (2018), relying on Julia Kristeva’s theory intertextuality. Our study investigates how modern literature was influenced by the traditional literary works. The main objective of this dissertation is to examine and explore the two modern works, in relation to Shakespeare, while shedding light on Bakhtin’s concepts overt and hidden polemic, parody and pastiche, as well as stylization. Our study analysis the two books in view of their source text and by using the above mentioned theories, we have determined that both works are intertexts of Shakespeare’s original. Both writers aim to make Shakespeare more accessible to young audience by modernising the plot, characters and his language


66p. ; 30cm(+CD-Rom)


Intertextuality, modern literature, overt and hidden polemic, pastiche, parody, stylization


Literature and Interdisciplinary Approaches