Translation of allegory from english to arabic case of “Animal Farm” by George ORWELL

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Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou


Allegory is a literary device that uses characters and plot to represent abstract ideas and themes that relate to moral, religion or politics. It is a piece of narrative media that uses symbols to imply the hidden meaning without mentioning the connection between the characters and their representation. It allows the author to talk freely about sensitive topics. And we illustrate this by talking about the historical and political story “Animal farm”. This study deals with allegory and its different types, it treats the different techniques of translating allegory from English into Arabic in the literary field, it also detects the translating procedure used in the analysed texts. It is a deep study based on the translation of fifteen extracts taken from the novel “Animal farm” by George Orwell. The extracts contain samples of allegory all analyzed and translated according to Grice’s maxim theory of implicature proposed by Paul Herbert Grice and according to semantic, semiotic and syntactic theories to discover the effectiveness of the conversation and find out its implied meaning


125 p. : ill. en coul.; 30 cm. (+CD-Rom)


Allegory, Sensitive Topics, Translating Procedure, Implied Meaning


Translation arabic/english/arabic