The Role of Teachers’ Illocutionary Acts in Improving Learners’ Motivation in EFL: An Analysis of Third –Year Teachers’ and Learners’ Views At Hammadi Mohand and Krim Belkacem Secondary Schools

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Mouloud Mammeri University OF Tizi-Ouzou


The present work analyses the teachers’ and learners’ views towards the role of teachers’ illocutionary acts in improving learners’ motivation in EFL learning in Hammadi Mohand secondary school of Aghribs and Krim Belkacem Secondary School of Draa Ben Khedda. In order to reach the three objectives of the study, two theories: Austin’s theory of speech acts (1962) and Searle’s classification of speech acts (1979) have been applied. To conduct this study, a mixed research method was adopted. It combines both qualitative and quantitative techniques in relation to data collection and Descriptive Statistical Method and Qualitative Content Analysis in relation to data analysis. For collecting data, sixty (60) questionnaires were handed to the third year learners of foreign languages and a semi- structured interview was conducted with the two (02) teachers of the English language who work in these schools. On the basis of the findings of the research , it is concluded that most of the learners and the teachers show positive attitudes towards the role of illocutionary acts in oncreasing learners’ motivation in learning EFL.


53p. ; Ill. en coul. ; 30cm.+(cd)


Illocutionary Acts. Speech Acts. Learners’ motivation


Language and Communication