The Implementation of Meaningful Learning Strategies to Promote Students’ Writing Abilities: The Case of Second Year Students of English at Mouloud Mammeri University Tizi-Ouzou
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Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi Ouzou
The current study investigates the implementation of meaningful learning strategies to promote students’ writing abilities. It attempts to determine the efficiency of the learning of the writing skill through the implementation of meaningful learning strategies. The research is done in the department of English at MMUTO. Under the conditions of learning theory by Robert Gagne (1965), we have opted for the use of the mixed method research. Therefore, a structured interview is conducted with five instructors of the writing module and a questionnaire which is delivered to 85students. The statistical method is used for the quantitative data analyses while qualitative content analyses are adopted to interpret the results of the interview. According to the results of the research, it is concluded that the implementation of the meaningful learning strategies enhance the learning process of the writing skill to become effective and sufficient. The study revealed that the teachers of writing implement the different meaningful learning strategies to develop the students’ motivation and abilities in the writing skill. Therefore, the students claimed that they sometimes face difficulties when they do writing activities. The results in general revealed that the learners receive a competent learning of writing and the instruction of learning are used and applied in the department of English at MMUTO. Finally, the teachers have proposed to their students’ extensive reading as a solution to improve their writing style.
30cm ; 55p.
meaningful learning strategies, writing, writing skill, learning, conditions of learning, teachers, students.
Language and Communication