The Influence of Art-related Activities and Project-based Learning on Third-Year Students’ Motivation for Developing Speaking Skills in The English Department at MMUTO

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ARIBI Aissa Islam

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Université Mouloud Mammeri


The current research investigates the art-based approach to EFL learners’ motivation to develop speaking skills. More to the point, it aims at exploring the use of art-related activities as tasks or projects by teachers to enhance EFL students’ motivation for developing skills. In order to meet the objectives of the study, the research relies on Nunan’s theory of Task-Based Language Learning, which investigated the way third-year EFL students of the English Department at Mouloud Mammeri University of Tizi-Ouzou perceive art-related activities. The methodology employed in our research is the mixed-method (quantitative and qualitative), where we collected data from classroom observations and the questionnaires from L3 students at the English Department of MMUTO. The obtained findings are analyzed using Qualitative Content Analysis (QCA). The results reveal that teachers using art-based and project-based approaches motivate students to learn English and develop their speaking abilities. However, we found that not all teachers use these types of activities. Furthermore, the findings demonstrate that students’ attitudes toward art-related activities are positive. Based on the accumulated findings, we recommend that more research should be carried out on this topic and teachers should implement art-based approach with project-based learning in the teaching process


74 p. ; 30 cm. (+CD-Rom)


Art-related Activities, Project-based Approach, Motivation, Speaking Skills, Attitudes, EFL


Languages & Communication