Challenges of translating poetry from Arabic into English AL-MUTANABBI’s poem “ahli al azm” as a case study

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Université Mouloud Mammeri Tizi-Ouzou


From the time of its foundation, translation has not stopped to play its essential role on conveying messages across languages and cultural difficulties. Among all types of problems discussed in translation we have selected poetry translation which is considered as the most complicated one. It encounters many difficulties, the most important of which is the question of possibility or impossibility of translating poetry so that some views considered it as being untranslatable. The aim of our research is to support the opposite view by translating the poem of Al-Mutanabbi and analyzing it by adopting the Interpretative theory of translation. The aim of the present study is to show the difficulties we faced in the process of poetry translation between rendering the meaning or the form of the source poem in the target one and how we overcome them. We aimed to investigate the Interpretative Theory of Translation since our work is based on rendering the meaning rather than the form.


45p. ; 30 cm. (+CD-Rom)


Poetry, Aesthetic values, Rhyme, Rhythm, Poetry translation


Translation arabic/english/arabic