Students’ Attitudes towards and Teachers’ Perceptions of the Utilization of ChatGPT to Improve Students’ Writing Proficiency

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Mouloud Mammeri University


Since Chat GPT was introduced in 2022, it gained millions of users within months due to its varied functions. This research examines teachers’ perceptions and first-year master students’ attitudes towards the use of Chat GPT to improve students’ writing competency in the department of English at UMMTO. This study is drawn upon two theoretical foundations: Bandura’s Social Cognitive Theory (1986) and Davis’ Technology Acceptance Model (1989). To collect data for this study, a mixed-methods approach has been adopted through using two data collection instruments: a questionnaire that has been distributed randomly to (66) of Master I students and a semi-structured interview has been conducted with (9) teachers. To analyze the collected data, the Descriptive Statistical Method has been opted for the quantitative findings and the Qualitative Content Analysis for the qualitative ones. The results of the questionnaire have revealed that students hold positive attitudes towards the use of Chat GPT for writing and that its incorporation is not only limited to doing homework, but students also use it for other purposes, for instance, revising, facilitating learning, clarifying concepts, saving time, correcting mistakes, finding synonyms and improving their writing style. The results of the interview have shown that teachers’ perceptions are varied regarding the use of Chat GPT by students as there are some who support the idea and others who oppose it.


70p. : Ill. en coul. ; 30cm(+CD-Rom)


Attitude, Bandura’s Social Cognitive, Theory (SCT), ChatGPT, Davis’ Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), erception, Writing Proficiency


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