Domestication or Foreignization in translating Cultural specific terms in the Algerian Novel from Arabic into English : The case of الجازية والدراويش" " by Abdelhamid BENHEDOUGA

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Université Mouloud Mammeri


In our present paper, we delve into the challenges faced by translators in rendering literary works, focusing on the Algerian novel written in Arabic by Abdelhamid Benhedouga in the post-colonial era. Our chosen corpus comprises excerpts from the novel replete with cultural and religious terms that pose complexities in conveying meaning from the source to the target text. To address this, we employ two translation strategies, namely domestication and foreignization. Drawing on Vinay and Darbelnet’s translation procedures including borrowing, cultural equivalence, and literal translation, our study is titled : “Domesticating or Foreignizing while translating cultural and religious terms in the Algerian novel Al-Jazia Wa Al-Darawish by Abdelhamid Benhedouga”. Throughout our exploration, we grapple with difficulties stimming from linguistic disparities, the unfamiliarity of the target culture. The repercussions of these challenges often manifest in subpar translations. Consequently, we argue that a judicious combination of foreignization and domestication, when appropriately applied by the translator, can yield a satisfactory translation, facilitating effective intercultural communication. In conclusion, we assert that translating cultural and religious terms within a novel causes a hard task, particularly when the source and receptor languages represent distinct cultures


54 p.; 30 cm. (+CD-Rom)


Algerian novel, HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Aesthetic subjects::Literature, Culture, Translating, Cultural specific, Arabic, English


Translation Arabic/English/Arabic